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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Articles. Fiscal Year ending 30th June, 1876. Fiscal Year ending 30th June, 1877. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. the mine. $ $ Coal.................... Tons 284,279 1,002,510 254,933 873,251 Gold-bearing Quartz, Dust, Nuggets, &c......... $ ......... 1,472,471 ......... 1,189,075 Gypsum, crude............... Tons ......... 99,095 101,376 96,175 Manganese............... " ......... 4,355 720 13,568 Oil, Mineral or Earth, crude..... Galls 9,692 1,289 152 13 " Refined............... " 5,112 2,0…

Articles. Fiscal Year ending 30th June, 1876. Fiscal Year ending 30th June, 1877. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. the mine. $ $ Coal.................... Tons 284,279 1,002,510 254,933 873,251 Gold-bearing Quartz, Dust, Nuggets, &c......... $ ......... 1,472,471 ......... 1,189,075 Gypsum, crude............... Tons ......... 99,095 101,376 96,175 Manganese............... " ......... 4,355 720 13,568 Oil, Mineral or Earth, crude..... Galls 9,692 1,289 152 13 " Refined............... " 5,112 2,074 3,929,219 901,785 Ore, Copper............... Tons 2,230 352,035 1,313 264,442 " Iron.................. " 14,280 30,702 7,755 14,854 " Lead................ " 179 7,516 7 50 " Silver.................. " 691 584,378 190 122,695 Salt.................. Bush 990,534 121,471 941,215 118,434 Slate............... Tons ......... ......... 335 5,227 Stone, Unwrought, and Sand......... " ......... 10,733 47,630 75,760 Other articles............... $ ......... 5,173 ......... 23,629 Total produce of the Mine.... ......... ......... 3,787,802 ......... 3,698,958