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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Statement showing the Sea-going Tonnage of Steamers over 100 tons register of each of the Maritime States in the World, for 1877, taken from the Repertoire Général for 1877 and 1878

Nationality. Steamers. Gross Tonnage of Steamers. Net Tonnage of Steamers. Sailing Vessels. Set Tonnaqe of Sailing Vessels. Total Net Tonnage. British, including Canada and the Colonies... 3,133 3,283,910 *2,150,094 17,765 5,526,930 7,677,024 American .............. 542 674,036 448,249 6,307 2,146,731 2,564,980 Norwegian............ 122 64,604 38,928 4,135 1,352,949 1,391,877 Italian............ 110 95,309 63,440 4,402 1,296,985 1,360,425 Canadian (1,310,168 tons). ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... German............ 220 259,785 177,385 3,140 875,841 1,053,229 French............... 272 319,179 203,4S8 3,300 666,767 870,255 Spanish............ 224 176,310 116,110 2,744 550,533 666,643 Russian............ 145 105,040 68,782 1,802 417,973 486,755 Swedish............... 210 87,287 60,293 1,941 402,248 462,501 Dutch............... 110 112,879 76,357 1,258 366,248 442,601 Greek............... 12 7,621 4,910 2,024 419,478 424,418 Austrian............ 74 83,545 52,209 652 253,730 305,939 Danish............... 96 61,671 40,394 1,203 182,870 223,284 South American...... 82 58,649 38,801 355 129,901 168,705 Portuguese............ 26 22,480 15,321 441 106,215 121,536 Turkish and Egyptian... 33 30,467 19,661 300 50,101 69,762 Central America....... 13 10,152 6,840 57 18,546 25,386 Belgian............ 25 35,461 25,578 25 13,053 88,631 Asiatic............... 22 29,314 18,312 56 21,079 39,391 Total............... 5,471 5,507,699 3,595,185 51,907 14,798,217 18,398,402

Statement showing the Sea-going Tonnage of Steamers over 100 tons register of each of the Maritime States in the World, for 1877, taken from the Repertoire Général for 1877 and 1878.