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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 42

Departmental Examinations. — Tabular Statement of Examinations in 1877 and 1878

No. 1877. 1878 Difference. Applicants. Passed. Applicants. Passed. 1. High School Entrance...................................... 7,383 3,828 July—5,138 2,115 2,437 986 Dec.—4,682 2,699 9,820 4,814 2. Third Class. Literary ....................................... No informat'n but say 3 times the No. who passed 1,438 3,343 1,425 13 do Professional ............................... 1,215 ................ 1,339 124 do in Model Schools 1,237 ...................... 1,391 154 3. Second Class. Literary, including Intermediate..................... July—1,863 752 490 606 2,938 802 Dec.—1,565 656 3,428 1,408 Ottawa. Toronto. Do Professional. July.................... Ottawa—16 Toronto—31 March—40 48 December do 16 do 23 June—26 35 Dec.—42 53 32 54 108 136 do others................................ do 156 Total, 242 Others 46 Total, 290 4. First Class................................. Ottawa 1. Toronto—7 Ottawa, 1 Toronto, 12 (4 Can.) (10 Can.) (3 Can.) (12 Can.) 24 Total 31 Others 14 Total, 27 (26 Can.) Summary of number who passed....................... 7,556 ......................... 9,303 1,747

Departmental Examinations.

Tabular Statement of Examinations in 1877 and 1878.