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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 28

No. 2. PECTORAL BALSAM. Gives permanent relief to persons suffering from ASTHMA, OR DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING. SCLATER'S TOOTHACHE SPECIFIC. An instant cure, without pain or injury to the teeth. Directions.—To be applied on a piece of cotton to the decayed tooth. The Fluid Extract being without taste or smell of the Senna, is taken by children with the greatest readiness, either uncombined or with the addition of a little milk, coffee, or water. Dose for an Adult, a table-spoonful; for Children u…

No. 2. PECTORAL BALSAM. Gives permanent relief to persons suffering from ASTHMA, OR DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING. SCLATER'S TOOTHACHE SPECIFIC. An instant cure, without pain or injury to the teeth. Directions.—To be applied on a piece of cotton to the decayed tooth. The Fluid Extract being without taste or smell of the Senna, is taken by children with the greatest readiness, either uncombined or with the addition of a little milk, coffee, or water. Dose for an Adult, a table-spoonful; for Children under four years. 20 to 30 drops; from seven to ten years, a tea-spoonful; from ten to sixteen years, a dessert-spoonful. PARRISH'S SYRUP OR CHEMICAL FOOD. This nourishing and very agreeable medicine is largely prescribed by many eminent physicians for persons of delicate constitutions, where nutriment in its most easily assimilated condition is required. It possesses tonic and nutritive properties in many respects superior to Cod Liver Oil, and may be taken with pleasure by invalids to whom the odour and taste of the Oil are repugnant. It not only acts as a powerful tonic, but supplies the whole frame with its most important elements. Dose for Adults, one tea-spoonful in a little water after meals; Children from eight to ten years, half a tea-spoonful; and more or less according to age. FLUID EXTRACT OF TARAXACUM, OR DANDELION. This preparation possesses all the freshness of the recent root in a highly concentrated form, and will keep for any length of time. Dose—One or two tea-spoonfuls three times a day in a wine-glassful of water. FINEST NEWFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL. Prepared at Newfoundland from the fresh Livers, and is free from all unpleasant taste, so common in Oil of an inferior quality. May also be obtained combined with Quinine. THE IMPROVED ENEMA OR DOMESTIC INSTRUMENT. BREAST EXHAUSTERS AND SHELLS. NIPPLE PROTECTORS AND SHIELDS, Of various sorts. INFANTS' FEEDING BOTTLES. GLASS, BONE. AND PEWTER SYRINGES All sorts and sizes. LEECHES. A constant supply of the Finest Spotted. TOOTH, NAIL, AND HAIR BRUSHES. FINE TURKEY SPONGE. EAU DE COLOGNE, British and Foreign. POWDER PUFFS AND BOXES. SMELLING BOTTLES. A Variety with Silver Tops. A GENERAL STOCK OF HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. RUPTURE TRUSSES FOR ALL KINDS OF HERNIA. T H SCLATER, ALBERT STREET, KIRKWALL.