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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 17

Cure. Dance. I chi Tiu? moo?. Deceive. Delay. Hi pin?. In chi. Demolish. Deny. Tsak fai. Pat ying?. Deposit Despair. Ki chui?. Mo mong?. Die. Diet, Sze'. Kai hau?. Dine. Discharge. Shik taai? tsaan. Chi keuk. Dishonor. Dislike. Hohn hing. Pat chong i. Display. Do. Fan wa?. Tso. Draw (water,) Draw (out.) Kup shui. Che? chut. Draw (near.) Draw (a bow.) Yan kan. Wan kung. Dare. Deal, Kom?. Maai' maai?. Deliver. Demand. Foo kau?. Mun? to. Depart. Depend. Li hue?. I? laai?. Despise. Detect. Hing fut…

Cure. Dance. I chi Tiu? moo?. Deceive. Delay. Hi pin?. In chi. Demolish. Deny. Tsak fai. Pat ying?. Deposit Despair. Ki chui?. Mo mong?. Die. Diet, Sze'. Kai hau?. Dine. Discharge. Shik taai? tsaan. Chi keuk. Dishonor. Dislike. Hohn hing. Pat chong i. Display. Do. Fan wa?. Tso. Draw (water,) Draw (out.) Kup shui. Che? chut. Draw (near.) Draw (a bow.) Yan kan. Wan kung. Dare. Deal, Kom?. Maai' maai?. Deliver. Demand. Foo kau?. Mun? to. Depart. Depend. Li hue?. I? laai?. Despise. Detect. Hing fut Cha? wok. Dig. Digest Kwut. Siu shik. Discover. Disguise. Cha chut. Koi tsong. Dismiss. Disobey. Tui kue. Pat tsuen. Doubt. Draw. Sze i. Laai. Draw (lots.) Draw (in.) Tsap chau. Suk. Draw (nails.) Dream. Pat ting; Faat mung.