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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 17

Do not-walk disorderly. To-morrow I shall have business. Mo ha? ng tak kom? fung chur. Ming yat ngo yau tik sz kon. Now it is very troublesome. Kom shi chan tsing? fai fan? lok. What government officer is this? Ko ko hai mat wong tai ke? koon ni? He said so day before yesterday. Every where it is the same. Kue chin? yat kom? wa?. Kuk chue? kai? tung yat tseu? ng. What shop has he opened? Much sitting produces illness. Kue hoi mat ye? poo tau ni? Chi? toh shang pai peng?. Speak so that all can u…

Do not-walk disorderly. To-morrow I shall have business. Mo ha? ng tak kom? fung chur. Ming yat ngo yau tik sz kon. Now it is very troublesome. Kom shi chan tsing? fai fan? lok. What government officer is this? Ko ko hai mat wong tai ke? koon ni? He said so day before yesterday. Every where it is the same. Kue chin? yat kom? wa?. Kuk chue? kai? tung yat tseu? ng. What shop has he opened? Much sitting produces illness. Kue hoi mat ye? poo tau ni? Chi? toh shang pai peng?. Speak so that all can understand. Ko kue? kom kung ko ko to? hiu? tak lok. He speaks the common dialect. Kue kung ko tik to? wa?? m ho ke?. He is really talented. By constantly hearing you will understand, Ku tsan ho tsoi? ching lok. Cheung shi teng? kuoan to? hiu tak Don't ask so many questions. What! read so many books? Mok ko? man kom? toh lok. Mat ye? wa? ! tuk kom? toh po sz lok. You walk very slowly. I bought it myself. Ni hang tak horn man? kef. Ngo tsz? ki? mai ke?.