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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 14. July 6 1981

At last, your Bursary Cheque. You can bank it on campus. The Bank of New Zealand is right on campus to help you with banking services. When your bursary cheque arrives there's no need to wait until you're down town. Call into our on-campus office. If you haven't already a cheque or savings account with us we can very quickly open one. You'll find it so much more convenient to bank with the Bank of New Zealand. Because we're right here on campus we understand student money problems too. We alway…

At last, your Bursary Cheque. You can bank it on campus. The Bank of New Zealand is right on campus to help you with banking services. When your bursary cheque arrives there's no need to wait until you're down town. Call into our on-campus office. If you haven't already a cheque or savings account with us we can very quickly open one. You'll find it so much more convenient to bank with the Bank of New Zealand. Because we're right here on campus we understand student money problems too. We always have a sympathetic ear, backed by helpful practical advice. Anytime you'd like to talk things over just call and arrange a time. Call in at the BNZ on-campus office, and arange to see Mr Jim Woolf; or phone him direct at BNZ Wellington branch on 725-099. Bank of New Zealand Here when you need us - on campus