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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 19. August 6 1979

EDITORS WANTED Any person/persons interested in maintaning the time honoured high standard of VUWSA's prestigious HANDBOOK, (or, if a all possible to improve it!), is invited to supply cirriculum vitac outlining experience, ideas, etc. to: Publications Officer Helen Aikman by Monday 6th August. Appointments) will be made on Wednesday 8th August. SALIENT EDITOR 1980 Wanted an individual with immense technical skill, the leadership ability of a four-oar general, the dedication of a religious fana…

EDITORS WANTED Any person/persons interested in maintaning the time honoured high standard of VUWSA's prestigious HANDBOOK, (or, if a all possible to improve it!), is invited to supply cirriculum vitac outlining experience, ideas, etc. to: Publications Officer Helen Aikman by Monday 6th August. Appointments) will be made on Wednesday 8th August. SALIENT EDITOR 1980 Wanted an individual with immense technical skill, the leadership ability of a four-oar general, the dedication of a religious fanatic, preferably with publishing experience of many years and the ability to let vicious attacks fall like water off a duck's back — for our student newspaper. This position is a full-time job. The editor is responsible for the overall content and presentation of the paper. (Remuneration this year is $80 per issue: not bad for 100 - 120 hour week!) Please supply curriculum vitae outlining experience, degree of literacy, qualities, ideas, etc to: Publications Officer Helen Aikman by Monday 6th August. Appointrneni(s) will be made on Wednesday 8th August.