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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 26. October 3 1977

The Post Qualifying Dilemma... and its solution The dilemma which faces most newly qualified accountancy graduates is whether to start in a professional practice or to enter industry or commerce straight away. There is one prediction which we can make with absolute certainty The right post-qualifying experience, using modern techniques will ensure your progress in an industrial or commercial career. At Wilkinson Wilberfoss, we believe in providing progressive work and training assignments which…

The Post Qualifying Dilemma... and its solution The dilemma which faces most newly qualified accountancy graduates is whether to start in a professional practice or to enter industry or commerce straight away. There is one prediction which we can make with absolute certainty The right post-qualifying experience, using modern techniques will ensure your progress in an industrial or commercial career. At Wilkinson Wilberfoss, we believe in providing progressive work and training assignments which are designed to meet an individuals career plan. At the appropriate time, if you really want to leave, we will help you plan your entry into industry, commerce or arrange that transfer overseas. You may well know something of our Wellington Office. What you possibly don't know is that we have a network of New Zeal and offices and international affiliations. We would like the opportunity to discuss career plans and opportunities this firm can offer with B.C.A. graduates and commerce students. If you are interested, please write or telephone: George R Verry Wilkinson Wilberfoss Chartered Accountants P O Box 490 Wellington Telephone: 725 840