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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 26. October 3 1977

COMMERCE STUDENTS We will have vacancies at the close of the Varsity year for persons who intend to pursue careers in the accountancy profession. Our practice is one of the larger national ones and is actively engaged in all aspects of accounting, including Management Accounting, Secretarial, Taxation and some Auditing and is, therefore, able to offer a wide range of work of an interesting and challenging nature. Generous salaries are offered amd time off is granted for lectures and examination…

COMMERCE STUDENTS We will have vacancies at the close of the Varsity year for persons who intend to pursue careers in the accountancy profession. Our practice is one of the larger national ones and is actively engaged in all aspects of accounting, including Management Accounting, Secretarial, Taxation and some Auditing and is, therefore, able to offer a wide range of work of an interesting and challenging nature. Generous salaries are offered amd time off is granted for lectures and examination study, in cases where a successful applicant still has some subjects left to complete. Our firm has overseas associations and we have our own IBM system 3 computer installation. Applications are invited at any time before the end of 1977 from students who are partly qualified or who expect to graduate this year. Apply in writing, stating age and giving details of academic achievements to date and, if possible, supply a telephone number to Hogg Young Cathie & Co., Chartered Accountants. Auckland, Wellington & Christchurch. Contact: Mr Forgie, P.O. Box 3699, Telephone 364-762, Auckland. Mr Domett, P.O. Box 10340, Telephone 725-850. Wellington Mr Rundle, P.O. Box 443, Telephone 65-282. Christchurch.