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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 26. October 3 1977

Finance & Management. What jobs & training are available to graduates? Right now the Bank of New Zealand is looking for well qualified people with management potential and ambition. We are keen to talk to graduates from any faculty who are interested in business and who see a future for themselves in management. On your way to management On joining the BNZ you will be trained as quickly as possible in a general background of banking to prepare you for more permanent positions. The emphasis is o…

Finance & Management. What jobs & training are available to graduates? Right now the Bank of New Zealand is looking for well qualified people with management potential and ambition. We are keen to talk to graduates from any faculty who are interested in business and who see a future for themselves in management. On your way to management On joining the BNZ you will be trained as quickly as possible in a general background of banking to prepare you for more permanent positions. The emphasis is on a general career in banking and management. But as part of this programme there is also opportunity to work in areas of special interest to you. Your own career path More importantly, the BNZ is dedicated to a policy that enables you to express your own career objectives so your career development is matched as closely as possible to your own wishes. Nationwide - worldwide As the country's largest bank, the BNZ has branch offices and district offices throughout New Zealand it also has branches, representative offices and working associations throughout the world—providing you with the opportunity for overseas experience. The business of banking The business of banking is the business of finance—the taking ofdeposits, the lending of money and the handling of a wide range of financial transactions. This range of activities, plus the essential supporting skills (marketing, accounting, funds management, personnel, training, methods, economics) allows for a great variety of experiences in the course of a career. Why the BNZ The BNZ handles 40% of the nation's trading bank business, giving it a greater depth of resources to call on and an organisation big enough to give you a wide range of training and promotional opportunity. It is also the only totally New Zealand owned trading bank, giving it a deep commitment to New Zealand and New Zealanders. Now why not talk it over face to face. We will be happy to discuss your opportunities, give you more detail about the BNZ. introduce you to people who already work here. Just call: Bank of New Zealand