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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 26. October 3 1977

BSc and BCA Graduates qualify as actuaries AMP provides time and financial encouragement to do so. Challenging careers exist for commerce, mathematics and accounting graduates. Contact us for a copy of our brochure, "Careers for Graduates Once you've graduated you'll want to use your qualifications and knowledge to start a worthwhile career. The AMP Society offers the opportunity to begin careers in the actuarial, accountancy and investment fields. For those who wish to undertake further study …

BSc and BCA Graduates qualify as actuaries AMP provides time and financial encouragement to do so. Challenging careers exist for commerce, mathematics and accounting graduates. Contact us for a copy of our brochure, "Careers for Graduates Once you've graduated you'll want to use your qualifications and knowledge to start a worthwhile career. The AMP Society offers the opportunity to begin careers in the actuarial, accountancy and investment fields. For those who wish to undertake further study to AMP Telephone or write to the Personnel Manager, AMP Society, PO Box 1290, Wellington. Telephone 722-200