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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Assn. Volume 40, No. 16. July 11 1977

MORRIS 1000 TRAVELLER FOR SALE With a reconditioned gearbox, clutch, and valves. It has a new W.O.F, but it is not registered (we're broke!). The body needs some painting, but thats all. $ 400 o.n.o If interested, Phone 842 351, and ask for Alan or Janet

MORRIS 1000 TRAVELLER FOR SALE With a reconditioned gearbox, clutch, and valves. It has a new W.O.F, but it is not registered (we're broke!). The body needs some painting, but thats all. $ 400 o.n.o If interested, Phone 842 351, and ask for Alan or Janet.