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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 10. 22nd May 1975

HEWLETT PACKARD CALCULATORS AT SWEET AND MAXWELLS U.B.C. We are pleased to announce that we are now stocking the H.P.21 and H.P.45 calculators. The H.P.21 has a full range of scientific functions (sin x, arc sin x, cos x, arc cos x, tan x, arc tan x, ex, Ln x, log x, 10x, Yx, Vx, 1/x, pi). The H.P.21 performs rectangular/polar conversions automatically. It has degree/radian mode selection and conversion capability. It has a four register Operational stack and contains an addressable memory. The…

HEWLETT PACKARD CALCULATORS AT SWEET AND MAXWELLS U.B.C. We are pleased to announce that we are now stocking the H.P.21 and H.P.45 calculators. The H.P.21 has a full range of scientific functions (sin x, arc sin x, cos x, arc cos x, tan x, arc tan x, ex, Ln x, log x, 10x, Yx, Vx, 1/x, pi). The H.P.21 performs rectangular/polar conversions automatically. It has degree/radian mode selection and conversion capability. It has a four register Operational stack and contains an addressable memory. These and other features makes it the most advanced low price ($130) scientific calculator. The H.P.45 is an advanced scientific calculator. It has 14 registers. It uses RNP (Reverse Polish Notation). It has 9 addressable memory registers. It has all the capabilities of the H.P.21 plus many more which are worth coming in and getting to grips with. There is promotional material to take away, and instruction pamphlets and guides are also available. THESE CALCULATORS ARE THE VERY BEST THEY ARE AVAILABLE AT : SWEET & MAXWELL'S UNIVERSITY BOOK CENTRE 15 MOUNT STREET PH 48-911