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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, No 5. April 3 1975

Alān Welsh Dulles who later became director of the CIA. Since the war former OSS officers have represented the US as ambassadors in over twenty countries. Also included in the exclusive club of OSS veterans are Presidential advisers Arthur Schlestnger Jr. and Watt Rostow. and former CIA director Richard Helms

Alān Welsh Dulles who later became director of the CIA. Since the war former OSS officers have represented the US as ambassadors in over twenty countries. Also included in the exclusive club of OSS veterans are Presidential advisers Arthur Schlestnger Jr. and Watt Rostow. and former CIA director Richard Helms.

Alān Welsh Dulles who later became director of the CIA. Since the war former OSS officers have represented the US as ambassadors in over twenty countries. Also included in the exclusive club of OSS veterans are Presidential advisers Arthur Schlestnger Jr. and Watt Rostow. and former CIA director Richard Helms.