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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 10. May 22, 1974

The University Book Centre now have in stock some of the best electronic calculators in the world. Ranging in price from $39 for the pocket-sized, battery operated mode' which performs instant 12 diget calculations, to $199 for the more complex EL-816 which has a 16 digit capacity and a built in memory loading indicator. Because of all the time you will save by using one of these nifty little numbers, you will be able to read more books. So have a look at our Penguin stock while you're there. U…

The University Book Centre now have in stock some of the best electronic calculators in the world. Ranging in price from $39 for the pocket-sized, battery operated mode' which performs instant 12 diget calculations, to $199 for the more complex EL-816 which has a 16 digit capacity and a built in memory loading indicator. Because of all the time you will save by using one of these nifty little numbers, you will be able to read more books. So have a look at our Penguin stock while you're there. UNIVERSITY BOOK CENTRE 15 Mount Street, Phone 48911