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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 21. 5th September 1973

If people interest you, become a Probation Officer and... * provide a professional social service to the community * face the challenge of helping offenders and their families * use your initiative, and exercise personal responsibility The work is demanding but satisfying The Probation Service is responsible for the administration of all forms of penal treatment undertaken within the community. The Probation Report is a detailed personal history of an offender to assist the Court to come to the…

If people interest you, become a Probation Officer and... * provide a professional social service to the community * face the challenge of helping offenders and their families * use your initiative, and exercise personal responsibility The work is demanding but satisfying The Probation Service is responsible for the administration of all forms of penal treatment undertaken within the community. The Probation Report is a detailed personal history of an offender to assist the Court to come to the best decision possible. The Probation Officer supervises those persons released on probation by the Courts or on parole following a sentence of imprisonment. The Probation Service has expanded rapidly in recent years and will continue to do so as social work involves not only personal casework, but also group work and community work. QUALIFICATIONS. If you are 22 with a degree (or study towards a degree) preferably in social sciences, you may apply for appointment as an Assistant Probation Officer. At age 24, you may apply for a position as a Probation Officer. There are more opportunities for men TRAINING. Officers are encouraged to work towards a degree and some study leave is available. After experience some bursaries are available to study full time for 2 years for the Diploma in Social Work at Victoria University All recruits are expected to participate in n-service training. PAY AND PROSPECTS. Assistant Probation Officers receive between $2916 to $3919 depending on age and qualifications. As a Probation Officer the minimum is $3919, advancing by annual increments to $5263. It is necessary to work some overtime, which is paid Thereafter promotion is by merit, experience and education. Opportunities exist for promotion to Senior Officer and District Officer level up to a salary of $8000 pa. If you have the ability and motivation to work with people, possess a mature and warm personality, and are interested in joining the Probation Service, contact your nearest District Probation Officer or write giving brief details of age, education and experience to the Secretary for Justice, Private Bag 1, Government Buildings. Wellington.