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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 19. 3rd August 1972

Career Opportunities as a... CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Today's chartered accountant faces many challenges. Young men and women who gain experience in a firm of chartered accountants are well equipped to face these challenges and fill executive positions in public practice, commerce or industry. We have positions available for graduates or those who are close to completing their degrees. We seek those who have demonstrated, through above average academic attainments, that they have the attributes nec…

Career Opportunities as a... CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Today's chartered accountant faces many challenges. Young men and women who gain experience in a firm of chartered accountants are well equipped to face these challenges and fill executive positions in public practice, commerce or industry. We have positions available for graduates or those who are close to completing their degrees. We seek those who have demonstrated, through above average academic attainments, that they have the attributes necessary for a career in chartered accountancy. WHO ARE WE? Hutchison Hull & Co is a large national firm of Chartered Accountants with:-offices in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill. -close affiliations with firms in many countries especially U.S.A., U.K. and Australia, -over 200 people in our offices. WHAT ARE WE OFFERING YOU? * A position in a firm covering a broad range of activities, including —Auditing —Accounting and Secretarial Services —Taxation Services —Management Advisory Services —Electronic Data Processing * Techniques which are both up-to-date and sophisticated. * Staff development programmes which provide extensive training to prepare you for a professional career. Also, active encouragement is given for you to complete or further your studies * Affiliations with firms in many countries. This provides opportunities to gain overseas experience with major international firms. * A starting salary comparable with that paid elsewhere in public practice. This is reviewed half-yearly with increases based on performance and potential. After a qualifying period we also offer subsidised superannuation. WE INVITE YOU TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US, REGARDING YOUR CAREER Please write or telephone— David J.D. Macdonald, HUTCHISON, HULL & CO. Chartered Accountants Challenge House, Wellington P.O.Box 1990 Telephone 71-549