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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 19. 3rd August 1972

ACCOUNTING GRADUATES AND STUDENTS. We wish to employ accounting graduates or students who have completed a period of full time study in accountancy and wish to obtain the necessary practical experience to complement their degree. We can offer: Training and experience in wide fields of auditing and accounting. The opportunity of further experience with associate firms in the U.K. and U.S.A. A generous commencing salary with regular reviews and merit increases - the salary for a graduate would be…

ACCOUNTING GRADUATES AND STUDENTS. We wish to employ accounting graduates or students who have completed a period of full time study in accountancy and wish to obtain the necessary practical experience to complement their degree. We can offer: Training and experience in wide fields of auditing and accounting. The opportunity of further experience with associate firms in the U.K. and U.S.A. A generous commencing salary with regular reviews and merit increases - the salary for a graduate would be $3,600 per annum. HUNT DUTHIE & CO. Chartered Accountants P.O.Box 2194, Wellington. We have branches at Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch.