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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 16. September 8th 1971

apply before fri sept 10 MAKE MONEY ON Salient Editor honorarium $700 Advertising Manager 15% sales commission on about $6,000 worth of advertising p.a. Technical Editor $1.40 per page — about $500 p.a. Argot Editor $30 per issue Business Manager Rate to be negotiated Handbook Editor $50 with $50 for technical work Cappicade Editor $250 Publications Treasurer $50 + $50 for preparation of accounts PUBLICATIONS

apply before fri sept 10 MAKE MONEY ON Salient Editor honorarium $700 Advertising Manager 15% sales commission on about $6,000 worth of advertising p.a. Technical Editor $1.40 per page — about $500 p.a. Argot Editor $30 per issue Business Manager Rate to be negotiated Handbook Editor $50 with $50 for technical work Cappicade Editor $250 Publications Treasurer $50 + $50 for preparation of accounts PUBLICATIONS