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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 33, Number 9. 25 June, 1970

B.C.A. Graduates And Commerce Students We Are Currently holding discussions with students who have reached an advanced stage of the B.C.A. course and who are looking to a challenging professional career at the end of the current university year. We are able to offer experience in all fields of accountancy which is supplemented by extensive personal development and training programmes. After initial training and experience a comprehensive review of performance is undertaken and for suitable pers…

B.C.A. Graduates And Commerce Students We Are Currently holding discussions with students who have reached an advanced stage of the B.C.A. course and who are looking to a challenging professional career at the end of the current university year. We are able to offer experience in all fields of accountancy which is supplemented by extensive personal development and training programmes. After initial training and experience a comprehensive review of performance is undertaken and for suitable persons the opportunity will be given to choose a specialization for advanced training which will be either in New Zealand or in an overseas office of our internationally associated organization. Your progress and remuneration are dependent only on your qualification, ability and experience. Graduates who have completed the accountancy professional course can expect to commence at a minimum salary of $3,000. We look forward to discussing your future career plans with you and for this purpose please telephone our staff partner: Wilberfoss & Company Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 347 Tel. 70-566 Wellington.