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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Student's Newspaper. Volume 31, Number 4. March 26 1968

— Interest in water polo has increased at Vic during the past year—so much so that recently women's teams have been added to the local competition and won every game played. Tournament teams this year are expected to be of a high standard—practices have already begun for prospective players

— Interest in water polo has increased at Vic during the past year—so much so that recently women's teams have been added to the local competition and won every game played. Tournament teams this year are expected to be of a high standard—practices have already begun for prospective players.

— Interest in water polo has increased at Vic during the past year—so much so that recently women's teams have been added to the local competition and won every game played. Tournament teams this year are expected to be of a high standard—practices have already begun for prospective players.