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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 12. 1967.

The first meeting of the student action committee on mental health. The committee is running a major seminar on mental health this weekend. Starting 1.30pm on sunday (10th) the seminar will feature: Dr. Bennet (Tokanu), Dr. Fraser-MacDonald (Kingseat), Peter Blizard, Dr. Geiringer and Mr. Bourne of Otago, Dr. Mirams, the director of Mental Hygiene declined to speak

The first meeting of the student action committee on mental health. The committee is running a major seminar on mental health this weekend. Starting 1.30pm on sunday (10th) the seminar will feature: Dr. Bennet (Tokanu), Dr. Fraser-MacDonald (Kingseat), Peter Blizard, Dr. Geiringer and Mr. Bourne of Otago, Dr. Mirams, the director of Mental Hygiene declined to speak.

The first meeting of the student action committee on mental health. The committee is running a major seminar on mental health this weekend. Starting 1.30pm on sunday (10th) the seminar will feature: Dr. Bennet (Tokanu), Dr. Fraser-MacDonald (Kingseat), Peter Blizard, Dr. Geiringer and Mr. Bourne of Otago, Dr. Mirams, the director of Mental Hygiene declined to speak.