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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 15. 1964.

LATE ADVERTISEMENT COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS We have four computers in operation and a fifth on order. We employ over 30 programmers and systems analysts and we need up to 20 more in the next year. We pay salaries ranging from £940 to £1980 for this work. We recognise that success in this field equips you for further advancement to managerial positions. We provide full training-a three-month course followed by practical experience. The Public Service is already the largest user of computers in New Z…

LATE ADVERTISEMENT COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS We have four computers in operation and a fifth on order. We employ over 30 programmers and systems analysts and we need up to 20 more in the next year. We pay salaries ranging from £940 to £1980 for this work. We recognise that success in this field equips you for further advancement to managerial positions. We provide full training-a three-month course followed by practical experience. The Public Service is already the largest user of computers in New Zealand, but intends to develop this field of management much further in the next few years. Enquiries are invited from qualified accountants or graduates who have a good personality and a strong desire to participate in the development of these modern techniques. Enquiries, which will be regarded as confidential, should be addressed to- MR. J. P. M. CORNWALL, Superintendent of Management Services, State Services Commission, P.O. Box 6004, Wellington. Telephone 46-75, extension 837.