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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 7. 1964.

Left, top: The British Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas Hume, Impersonated by Jeremy Agar. Below: James Bond is visited at his place of business by another secret agent. Right: "Christine" tries to divert chorus member from thoughts about 'the game.'

Left, top: The British Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas Hume, Impersonated by Jeremy Agar. Below: James Bond is visited at his place of business by another secret agent. Right: "Christine" tries to divert chorus member from thoughts about 'the game.'

Left, top: The British Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas Hume, Impersonated by Jeremy Agar. Below: James Bond is visited at his place of business by another secret agent. Right: "Christine" tries to divert chorus member from thoughts about 'the game.'