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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 2. 1963.

CLASSIFIEDS STUDENTS The more you support your "Dining Room" the BETTER we can make it. WE ALSO CATER FOR:— * SOCIALS * DINNER PARTIES * COCKTAIL PARTIES * WEDDINGS THIS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. Enquire Student Union Building Dining Room, Victoria University of Wellington. Phone 70-319 ext. 84 Coffee and Eats at the "SANS SOUCI CAFE" in Cable Car Lane FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE * Reginald Collins Ltd. Wholesale wine and spirit people. Vintners to the Students Association. Carry stocks of a…

CLASSIFIEDS STUDENTS The more you support your "Dining Room" the BETTER we can make it. WE ALSO CATER FOR:— * SOCIALS * DINNER PARTIES * COCKTAIL PARTIES * WEDDINGS THIS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. Enquire Student Union Building Dining Room, Victoria University of Wellington. Phone 70-319 ext. 84 Coffee and Eats at the "SANS SOUCI CAFE" in Cable Car Lane FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE * Reginald Collins Ltd. Wholesale wine and spirit people. Vintners to the Students Association. Carry stocks of all brands of ale, spirits, table wine (from 5/6), sherry in flagons (16/-), or quart bottles. Free delivery. Cellars are located at No. 3 Ballance Street (Customhouse Quay end). HOTEL ST. GEORGE THE "SEVEN SEAS BAR" BEST IN NEW ZEALAND * Nearest to the University. * Modern comfortable surroundings. * Cool, bright, fresh beer on tap always. * Food available from our "Food Bar" 11.45 a.m. to 2,30 p.m. Entrees, cold buffet, vegetables, hot pies, sandwiches and Cona coffee. *