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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 11. 1961

The Plaint of the Virgin My friends are so Nice — their clothes are odd — they don't wash much — they don't work much — they fail exams — they drink a lot — they gamble a lot — they make love a lot — they don't mind songs and language I do — they are unsocial — they are irreligious — they are anarchists — they are amoral. My parents don't approve. My church doesn't approve. My other "friends" don't approve. Society doesn't approve. — But they understand me And I understand them And they're the …

The Plaint of the Virgin My friends are so Nice — their clothes are odd — they don't wash much — they don't work much — they fail exams — they drink a lot — they gamble a lot — they make love a lot — they don't mind songs and language I do — they are unsocial — they are irreligious — they are anarchists — they are amoral. My parents don't approve. My church doesn't approve. My other "friends" don't approve. Society doesn't approve. — But they understand me And I understand them And they're the only people I like. Applications are Hereby Invited for the following positions:— (1) Publications Advertising Manager 1962 (2) "Salient" Business Manager 1962 (3) "Salient" Editor(s) 1962 (4) "Cappicade" Editor(s) 1962 Application should be made in writing to the Publication Officer. c/- the Association Office, or of P.O. Box 196. by 12 Noon. Monday. August 7. Applicants should state experiance in the field. Their intended policies, and whether they are full or part-time students. The Publications Committee reserves the right not to recommend any of the applicants for a position, if in its opinion none of the applicants is suitable. Mel Stone — Publications Officer.