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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11, No. 8. July 14, 1948

EVERY DAY MORE PEOPLE DRINK 'WAITEMATA' 25,000,000 BOTTLES A YEAR The consistent flavour and quality of Waitemata beer ensures its pride of place as Today's Great National Drink. The care with which it is brewed, together with the finest barley malt, hops and yeast which are used, ensure its consistent quality. WAITEMATA PRODUCTS INCLUDE: D.B. LARGER WAITKMATA SPARKLING ALE DOMINION BITTER DOUBLE BROWN ALE WAITEMATA—"Today's Great Drink"

EVERY DAY MORE PEOPLE DRINK 'WAITEMATA' 25,000,000 BOTTLES A YEAR The consistent flavour and quality of Waitemata beer ensures its pride of place as Today's Great National Drink. The care with which it is brewed, together with the finest barley malt, hops and yeast which are used, ensure its consistent quality. WAITEMATA PRODUCTS INCLUDE: D.B. LARGER WAITKMATA SPARKLING ALE DOMINION BITTER DOUBLE BROWN ALE WAITEMATA—"Today's Great Drink"