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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 11. August 21, 1946

'... Science Students can't afford to gamble-and lose!' With 14,000 technical books published each year, your chances of even hearing of the latest books on your particular subject are small, and your prospects of obtaining them through an ordinary bookseller remote. At best it will be a gamble and science students can't afford to gamble—and lose! We don't claim to hear of all those 14,000 new technical books each year; but we usually know those that will suit you best That's part of our busine…

'... Science Students can't afford to gamble-and lose!' With 14,000 technical books published each year, your chances of even hearing of the latest books on your particular subject are small, and your prospects of obtaining them through an ordinary bookseller remote. At best it will be a gamble and science students can't afford to gamble—and lose! We don't claim to hear of all those 14,000 new technical books each year; but we usually know those that will suit you best That's part of our business—that and to get them for you at reasonable prices. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. 22-24 BRANDON STREET. WELLINGTON PHONE 45-108 Publishers of the "N.Z. Electrical Journal"