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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 13 June 29, 1938

"I've treacle and toffee, I've tea and I've coffee, Soft Tommy and succulent chops, I've chickens and conles and prety polonies, And excellent peppermeint drops." Thus sang little Buttercup about her wares, but she might just as casily have been describing some of the things obtainable at The Self-help stores EVERTHING FROM FIGS TO FLYPAPERS AT THE CHEAPEST PRICES

"I've treacle and toffee, I've tea and I've coffee, Soft Tommy and succulent chops, I've chickens and conles and prety polonies, And excellent peppermeint drops." Thus sang little Buttercup about her wares, but she might just as casily have been describing some of the things obtainable at The Self-help stores EVERTHING FROM FIGS TO FLYPAPERS AT THE CHEAPEST PRICES.