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New Zealand Home & Building, October-November 1998

1. Grey crackle sushi dishes, small $8.50, large $27.50, from Made in Japan (09-379 8188). 2. Satin cushions by Housecalls, p.o.a., from Apartmento (09-309 7646) and Living Spaces (09-360 0406). 3. Grey candles, $4 each, in German matt sculptured candlesticks, $59 a set, from Bloomsbury Galleries (09-357 0889). 4. Augusta's drawers made by Tim Larkin, p.o.a., from Avid (04-472 7703). 5. Café cups and saucers, $12 a set, from Country Road (09-524 9685, 04-472 7256, 03-366 7870). 6. Minimalist sa…

1. Grey crackle sushi dishes, small $8.50, large $27.50, from Made in Japan (09-379 8188). 2. Satin cushions by Housecalls, p.o.a., from Apartmento (09-309 7646) and Living Spaces (09-360 0406). 3. Grey candles, $4 each, in German matt sculptured candlesticks, $59 a set, from Bloomsbury Galleries (09-357 0889). 4. Augusta's drawers made by Tim Larkin, p.o.a., from Avid (04-472 7703). 5. Café cups and saucers, $12 a set, from Country Road (09-524 9685, 04-472 7256, 03-366 7870). 6. Minimalist salt and pepper shakers, $19.95 from Nest (09-445 3201).

1. Grey crackle sushi dishes, small $8.50, large $27.50, from Made in Japan (09-379 8188). 2. Satin cushions by Housecalls, p.o.a., from Apartmento (09-309 7646) and Living Spaces (09-360 0406). 3. Grey candles, $4 each, in German matt sculptured candlesticks, $59 a set, from Bloomsbury Galleries (09-357 0889). 4. Augusta's drawers made by Tim Larkin, p.o.a., from Avid (04-472 7703). 5. Café cups and saucers, $12 a set, from Country Road (09-524 9685, 04-472 7256, 03-366 7870). 6. Minimalist salt and pepper shakers, $19.95 from Nest (09-445 3201).