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In Peace & War: A Civilian Soldier's Story

Staff of 22nd Battalion at Trieste HQ, May 1945; from left, standing — Major K R Archer (doctor), Capt. T P McLean (Adj.), Rev. D V de Candole (Padre), 2nd/ Lt. Pete Mitchell; seated — Lt/Col H V Donald (CO), Maj. C N Armstrong (2 i/c)

Staff of 22nd Battalion at Trieste HQ, May 1945; from left, standing — Major K R Archer (doctor), Capt. T P McLean (Adj.), Rev. D V de Candole (Padre), 2nd/ Lt. Pete Mitchell; seated — Lt/Col H V Donald (CO), Maj. C N Armstrong (2 i/c)

Staff of 22nd Battalion at Trieste HQ, May 1945; from left, standing — Major K R Archer (doctor), Capt. T P McLean (Adj.), Rev. D V de Candole (Padre), 2nd/ Lt. Pete Mitchell; seated — Lt/Col H V Donald (CO), Maj. C N Armstrong (2 i/c)