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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 9 (December 1, 1939)

The Little Emigrant lass becomes a colonial mother. This photograph, taken in 1886, shows Mrs. T. J. Thompson (centre) the original “Little Emigrant,” with her three daughters and two youngest sons outside her homestead where, twenty-one years before, she had suggested to Miss Herford the “motif” for the painting

The Little Emigrant lass becomes a colonial mother. This photograph, taken in 1886, shows Mrs. T. J. Thompson (centre) the original “Little Emigrant,” with her three daughters and two youngest sons outside her homestead where, twenty-one years before, she had suggested to Miss Herford the “motif” for the painting.

The Little Emigrant lass becomes a colonial mother. This photograph, taken in 1886, shows Mrs. T. J. Thompson (centre) the original “Little Emigrant,” with her three daughters and two youngest sons outside her homestead where, twenty-one years before, she had suggested to Miss Herford the “motif” for the painting.