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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 8 (November 1939)

“…. Dimpling, the water falls, with here and there A glossy fly, skimming in circlets gay…” — —James Grahame. — The beautiful Whangarei Falls, one of the many attractions of the North Auckland district. — (Govt. Publicity photo.)

“…. Dimpling, the water falls, with here and there A glossy fly, skimming in circlets gay…” —James Grahame. The beautiful Whangarei Falls, one of the many attractions of the North Auckland district. (Govt. Publicity photo.)

“…. Dimpling, the water falls, with here and there A glossy fly, skimming in circlets gay…”
—James Grahame.
The beautiful Whangarei Falls, one of the many attractions of the North Auckland district.
(Govt. Publicity photo.)