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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 11 (February 1, 1936)

New Posters for Railway Workshops. — These photographs are of coloured posters which have been prepared to indicate ways in which the staff in workshops, etc., can “co-operate to eliminate waste.” Great care was taken to have the sketches technically accurate, and each design is based on actual photographs of operations N.Z. Railway Workshops’ practice

New Posters for Railway Workshops. These photographs are of coloured posters which have been prepared to indicate ways in which the staff in workshops, etc., can “co-operate to eliminate waste.” Great care was taken to have the sketches technically accurate, and each design is based on actual photographs of operations N.Z. Railway Workshops’ practice.

New Posters for Railway Workshops.
These photographs are of coloured posters which have been prepared to indicate ways in which the staff in workshops, etc., can “co-operate to eliminate waste.” Great care was taken to have the sketches technically accurate, and each design is based on actual photographs of operations N.Z. Railway Workshops’ practice.