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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 7 (November 1, 1933)

“The sea, a shining girdle winds Round cliff and cape and bay.” — (Rly. Publicity photos.) — The Akitio estuary and homestead on the East Coast, between Castlepoint and Cape Turnagain, North Island, New Zealand

“The sea, a shining girdle winds Round cliff and cape and bay.” (Rly. Publicity photos.) The Akitio estuary and homestead on the East Coast, between Castlepoint and Cape Turnagain, North Island, New Zealand.

“The sea, a shining girdle winds Round cliff and cape and bay.”
(Rly. Publicity photos.)
The Akitio estuary and homestead on the East Coast, between Castlepoint and Cape Turnagain, North Island, New Zealand.