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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 5 (September 1, 1932)

Inset Ticket Printing Machine — The machine shown above is 45ft. long, and weighs about seven tons. It performs nine different operations successively. On the left, board is fed into the machine, and on the extreme right four tickets, complete with printed inset, are delivered. The output is approximately 50,000 tickets per hour

Inset Ticket Printing Machine The machine shown above is 45ft. long, and weighs about seven tons. It performs nine different operations successively. On the left, board is fed into the machine, and on the extreme right four tickets, complete with printed inset, are delivered. The output is approximately 50,000 tickets per hour.

Inset Ticket Printing Machine
The machine shown above is 45ft. long, and weighs about seven tons. It performs nine different operations successively. On the left, board is fed into the machine, and on the extreme right four tickets, complete with printed inset, are delivered. The output is approximately 50,000 tickets per hour.