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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 8 (February 1, 1931)

An Example Of Station Beautifying On The N.Z.R. — The above station garden, at Horoplto (on the North Island Main Trunk Line), makes a notable improvement to the appearance of Horopito station. The garden was made (under considerable difficulty, due to the presence of gravel) by the porter in charge, Mr. M. Chapman, seen standing in the picture

An Example Of Station Beautifying On The N.Z.R. The above station garden, at Horoplto (on the North Island Main Trunk Line), makes a notable improvement to the appearance of Horopito station. The garden was made (under considerable difficulty, due to the presence of gravel) by the porter in charge, Mr. M. Chapman, seen standing in the picture.

An Example Of Station Beautifying On The N.Z.R.
The above station garden, at Horoplto (on the North Island Main Trunk Line), makes a notable improvement to the appearance of Horopito station. The garden was made (under considerable difficulty, due to the presence of gravel) by the porter in charge, Mr. M. Chapman, seen standing in the picture.