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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 4 (August 1, 1930)

Winter games for the fair sex. — (Rly. Publicity photos.) — The second annual hockey match played recently between the girls of the Pensions Department (Wellington) and the girls of the Railway Offices (Wellington) resulted in a win for “Pensions” by 2 goals to 1. The illustrations shew:-Top: The “Pensions” team. Centre: “Pensions” on the attack. Below: The “Railway” team

Winter games for the fair sex. (Rly. Publicity photos.) The second annual hockey match played recently between the girls of the Pensions Department (Wellington) and the girls of the Railway Offices (Wellington) resulted in a win for “Pensions” by 2 goals to 1. The illustrations shew:-Top: The “Pensions” team. Centre: “Pensions” on the attack. Below: The “Railway” team.

Winter games for the fair sex.
(Rly. Publicity photos.)
The second annual hockey match played recently between the girls of the Pensions Department (Wellington) and the girls of the Railway Offices (Wellington) resulted in a win for “Pensions” by 2 goals to 1. The illustrations shew:-Top: The “Pensions” team. Centre: “Pensions” on the attack. Below: The “Railway” team.