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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 9 (January 1, 1930)

Commerce Train Scenes In The Dargaville District. — (Rly. Publicity photo.) — Top: At Dargaville Station. Centre: Donnelly's Crossing: The Stationmaster, his wife, his dog, and his garden. Below: The Commerce Train party at Kaihu

Commerce Train Scenes In The Dargaville District. (Rly. Publicity photo.) Top: At Dargaville Station. Centre: Donnelly's Crossing: The Stationmaster, his wife, his dog, and his garden. Below: The Commerce Train party at Kaihu.

Commerce Train Scenes In The Dargaville District.
(Rly. Publicity photo.)
Top: At Dargaville Station. Centre: Donnelly's Crossing: The Stationmaster, his wife, his dog, and his garden. Below: The Commerce Train party at Kaihu.