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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 10 (March 21, 1927)

Britain'S Latest Locomotive Giant. — The 4–6–0 four-cylinder simple super-heater engine “Lord Nelson” built by the Southern Railway in the Eastleigh Shops, is the most powerful of British locomotives. Weighing 140 tons with tender, the “Lord Nelson” hauls 500-ton trains with case at 60 miles an hour, and is the first of a new type of engine employed in the long distance passenger services out of Waterloo Station, London

Britain'S Latest Locomotive Giant. The 4–6–0 four-cylinder simple super-heater engine “Lord Nelson” built by the Southern Railway in the Eastleigh Shops, is the most powerful of British locomotives. Weighing 140 tons with tender, the “Lord Nelson” hauls 500-ton trains with case at 60 miles an hour, and is the first of a new type of engine employed in the long distance passenger services out of Waterloo Station, London.

Britain'S Latest Locomotive Giant.
The 4–6–0 four-cylinder simple super-heater engine “Lord Nelson” built by the Southern Railway in the Eastleigh Shops, is the most powerful of British locomotives. Weighing 140 tons with tender, the “Lord Nelson” hauls 500-ton trains with case at 60 miles an hour, and is the first of a new type of engine employed in the long distance passenger services out of Waterloo Station, London.