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O Extravaganza! The Great Extrav Reunion Weekend & Capping Revue Revival [1993]

O EXTRAVAGANZA! The Extrav Reunion Revue Memorial Theatre Victoria University of Wellington Saturday July 17 at 4.30pm and 8.30pm Tickets State Opera House $22.00 and $17.00 concession Social events contact Alumni Relations Centre, VUW Telephone 495 5246 Facsimile 495 5210 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON

O EXTRAVAGANZA! The Extrav Reunion Revue Memorial Theatre Victoria University of Wellington Saturday July 17 at 4.30pm and 8.30pm Tickets State Opera House $22.00 and $17.00 concession Social events contact Alumni Relations Centre, VUW Telephone 495 5246 Facsimile 495 5210 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON