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Victoria University of Wellington. Extravaganza 1958. "The Paye Off."

'MAN FRIDAY' COFFEE BAR 115 DIXON ST. MONDAY to FRIDAY: Open 9.45 a.m. Close 1.30 a.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY: Open 6.30 p.m. Close? Drink, eat and listen to the "MAN FRIDAY" SESSIONS — with — Paddy Kerney—piano Hush McDonald—drums Pim Ter Huppen—bass and featuring Guest Artists. NO COVER CHARGE

'MAN FRIDAY' COFFEE BAR 115 DIXON ST. MONDAY to FRIDAY: Open 9.45 a.m. Close 1.30 a.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY: Open 6.30 p.m. Close? Drink, eat and listen to the "MAN FRIDAY" SESSIONS — with — Paddy Kerney—piano Hush McDonald—drums Pim Ter Huppen—bass and featuring Guest Artists. NO COVER CHARGE.