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Victoria University College. "Up the Poll" Extravaganza 1957.

Elvis Presley — Graduate Rock 'n Roller The ultimate in Dynamic, Pulsating Rock and Roll is offered to you on R.C.A. recordings. Check These Numbers—Have You Got Them? * BABY, LET'S PLAY HOUSE * MYSTERY TRAIN * GOOD ROCKIN' TONIGHT * BLUE MOON OF KENTUCKY * MILKCOW BLUES BOOGIE * I WAS THE ONE Make a point of getting the new LP of Elvis Presley's earlier songs. Other members of R.C.A.'s Rock 'n Roll Faculty include: DOREE POST—Rock and Roll Calypso. PEREZ PRADO—Cuban Rock. PIANO RED —Big Rock J…

Elvis Presley — Graduate Rock 'n Roller The ultimate in Dynamic, Pulsating Rock and Roll is offered to you on R.C.A. recordings. Check These Numbers—Have You Got Them? * BABY, LET'S PLAY HOUSE * MYSTERY TRAIN * GOOD ROCKIN' TONIGHT * BLUE MOON OF KENTUCKY * MILKCOW BLUES BOOGIE * I WAS THE ONE Make a point of getting the new LP of Elvis Presley's earlier songs. Other members of R.C.A.'s Rock 'n Roll Faculty include: DOREE POST—Rock and Roll Calypso. PEREZ PRADO—Cuban Rock. PIANO RED —Big Rock Joe from Kokomo. JANIS MARTIN—My Boy Elvis.