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Victoria University College. Extravaganza. "The Seven Year Switch." June 4 - 9, 1956.

"Fotografy, fotografy, there's nothing like fotografy: Pornografy, filately, filosofy, filanthropy, Filology, frenology, fraseology, fonografy All phade fantasmagorically in phabulous fotografy" We will go anywhere. We will go to the cemetery to fotograf your ghoul-phriend. We will go to Cook Strait to fotograf your bouy-phriend. We will definitely be going to the Capping Ball, so have your foto taken by the ophphicial fotografers . . . MINIFOTO STUDIOS Herbert Street, above Phowlds. Fone 40-63…

"Fotografy, fotografy, there's nothing like fotografy: Pornografy, filately, filosofy, filanthropy, Filology, frenology, fraseology, fonografy All phade fantasmagorically in phabulous fotografy" We will go anywhere. We will go to the cemetery to fotograf your ghoul-phriend. We will go to Cook Strait to fotograf your bouy-phriend. We will definitely be going to the Capping Ball, so have your foto taken by the ophphicial fotografers . . . MINIFOTO STUDIOS Herbert Street, above Phowlds. Fone 40-633