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Capping 1932. Victoria University College. April 30th, May 2nd and 3rd, 1932.

"Men may come and men may go," but always, if they're wise, in GREEN CABS. Do you want to get there early? Do you want to go home late? Then ring Green Cabs Ltd. Though the way be never so long Green Cabs will take you there for a song. To the Tune of ONLY 9d. PER MILE Phone No. 45-111 Green Cabs Ltd

"Men may come and men may go," but always, if they're wise, in GREEN CABS. Do you want to get there early? Do you want to go home late? Then ring Green Cabs Ltd. Though the way be never so long Green Cabs will take you there for a song. To the Tune of ONLY 9d. PER MILE Phone No. 45-111 Green Cabs Ltd.