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Victoria University College. Capping Week May 4th, to May 9th. "Willum the Conk" [1931]

THE BIG THREE. NEWS ITEM.—"Depression lifting—Father's tenor is once more to be heard in the Bathroom.' He now uses O T O L SHAVING CREAM. It's quicker, safer, and MORE pleasant. "What the Chorus Girl is to the tired business man Q-tol is to the wearied footballer." Q-tol Emollient is refreshing, in- vigorating, and soothing to sensitive skins. "Influenza precautions necessary." "Have you a gold in your doze.?" Don't splutter, sniffle, and bark. SNIFF UP, GARGLE, SWALLOW FLUENZOL, the family st…

THE BIG THREE. NEWS ITEM.—"Depression lifting—Father's tenor is once more to be heard in the Bathroom.' He now uses O T O L SHAVING CREAM. It's quicker, safer, and MORE pleasant. "What the Chorus Girl is to the tired business man Q-tol is to the wearied footballer." Q-tol Emollient is refreshing, in- vigorating, and soothing to sensitive skins. "Influenza precautions necessary." "Have you a gold in your doze.?" Don't splutter, sniffle, and bark. SNIFF UP, GARGLE, SWALLOW FLUENZOL, the family standby. WHY SUPPORT FOREIGN COMPETITION? THESE PRODUCTS ARE MADE IN N.Z.