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Victoria University College. Capping Week May 4th, to May 9th. "Willum the Conk" [1931]

Super Flexible THE 'VARSITY BOOT is absolutely the best boot that can be made: equally superb for potting a goal, or lacerating the opposing half-back. Eyes extracted and shins shattered with the greatest of ease. The choicest cattle of the smiling Waikato slain to satisfy your feet. Hide that would rival that of an und r-graduate! Wear the boot that was worn by members of the British Touring Team of 1930. Say to the shopman, "Boot me no boots but 'VARSITY BOOTS." Sold by your nearest Retailer.…

Super Flexible THE 'VARSITY BOOT is absolutely the best boot that can be made: equally superb for potting a goal, or lacerating the opposing half-back. Eyes extracted and shins shattered with the greatest of ease. The choicest cattle of the smiling Waikato slain to satisfy your feet. Hide that would rival that of an und r-graduate! Wear the boot that was worn by members of the British Touring Team of 1930. Say to the shopman, "Boot me no boots but 'VARSITY BOOTS." Sold by your nearest Retailer. Made solely and upperly by The Equity Boot Co. LIMITED. WELLINGTON