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Victoria University College Students' Association. Annual Extravaganza. Grand Opera House, 28th, 30th, 31st July, 1923. "LUV"

TWO INSEPARABLES Indispensable To Your Business. THE EVER-READY PENCIL Sheaffer's Pencil. Propel—Repel—Expel THE EVER-READY PEN Three Great Pens—ONOTO, SWAN, WATERMAN GEO. JEFFERY, Pen Doctor 218 LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON

TWO INSEPARABLES Indispensable To Your Business. THE EVER-READY PENCIL Sheaffer's Pencil. Propel—Repel—Expel THE EVER-READY PEN Three Great Pens—ONOTO, SWAN, WATERMAN GEO. JEFFERY, Pen Doctor 218 LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON