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Victoria College Students' Carnival. Thursday and Friday, 27th and 28th June, 1907

CONCERNING TENNIS SHOES. A QUESTION! Do you find the Rubber Soles of your Tennis Shoes grind out in no time on Asphalt Courts? IT'S NOT SURPRISING. No rubber in the world will stand the severe test, but by adopting our combination of RUBBER AND CHROME SOLES you will get a shoe that will give long wear, and the money saved will be considerable. MEN'S CHAMPION TENNIS SHOES, With Rubber and Chrome Soles, 8/6 WOMEN'S CHAMPION TENNIS SHOES, With Rubber and Chrome Soles, 7/6 GIVE THEM A TRIAL. R. HAN…

CONCERNING TENNIS SHOES. A QUESTION! Do you find the Rubber Soles of your Tennis Shoes grind out in no time on Asphalt Courts? IT'S NOT SURPRISING. No rubber in the world will stand the severe test, but by adopting our combination of RUBBER AND CHROME SOLES you will get a shoe that will give long wear, and the money saved will be considerable. MEN'S CHAMPION TENNIS SHOES, With Rubber and Chrome Soles, 8/6 WOMEN'S CHAMPION TENNIS SHOES, With Rubber and Chrome Soles, 7/6 GIVE THEM A TRIAL. R. HANNAH & CO., LTD., Wellington.